Monday, June 4, 2007


By gum, I made some progress this weekend, knocking three projects off my monstrous project list, 90 degree weather notwithstanding.

I stumbled across a huge, cheap composter at CostCo (which, despite its eternally hellish interior, was cooler and somehow more pleasant than my yard), so my old compost enclosure made from a wad of green plastic-coated chicken wire and some sticks I'd pruned off the Portuguese Laurel has been retired, most of the compost moved via big blue bucket, and the whole thing set up to be in more direct sunlight.

I also cleaned up some pruned branches, always a joy, and then strung some lights on the awning over the deck. This area has grown into a nice sanctuary, with grapes and wisteria climbing up to give shade. It feels very cosy, and with the lights, should be a good place to hang out in the evening once things start getting darker earlier again. As it is now, the lights would only be good late at night.

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