Monday, June 4, 2007

Drink Recipe

Last month on my birthday, I took the day off from work and my wife and I went out to the Edgefield in Troutdale to play golf on their par-3 course. While we were there, she was kind enough to buy me a bottle of Pear Brandy. Once we got it home and tried it, we both agreed that it was not something to drink straight, so it has just been aging amongst the other bottles of spirits, waiting.

Last night, the wait was over, and I understood, with perfect clarity, the purpose for which this bottle of brandy was intended. I made up some simple syrup, consisting of equal parts (1 cup each) sugar and water. It's dead easy, you just put both ingredients in a pan, and stir it while you heat it up. Once it's perfectly clear, you have simple syrup. One the simple syrup has cooled to room temperature, I got out the shaker, filled it with ice, and added the juice of 1/2 lemon, an ounce and a half of pear brandy, and an ounce and a half of simple syrup. I shook it madly, poured it into a cocktail glass, and tried tasted just like a perfectly ripe pear (Bosc, I would say).

This is basically a Brandy Cocktail, but the distinct fruit aroma in the pear brandy really turned this whole thing into something special. My wife described it as, " drinking the juice out of a can of pears." I thought it has a crisper, fresher, perkier flavor than that, but I can see her point. This is definitely a sweet cocktail. Individual tasted might dictate a variation with equal parts lemon, syrup, and brandy, or even equal parts brandy and lemon with only 1 ounce of syrup. I liked it the way it was. I think I'll be trying this recipe with other kinds of brandy. I gave it a shot with Applejack, but it wasn't nearly as good, tasting mostly just like a Whiskey Sour.

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