Monday, October 22, 2007

a long week or two

So my wife left yesterday on a two-week business trip out of town. Today will be my first full single-parenting day of 11.75. It has been OK so far, but I wonder how things are going to seem a week from today, after I've done the same routine for 7 days with work my only source of interaction with other adults (to the extent they can be called that).

I'm viewing it as a long slog and hoping that it might be a good thing for me and the kids to get more time together. If only I didn't have all the pesky other stuff taking up that time, like chores, cooking, cleaning, driving, shopping, etc, it would be a lot more tenable.

Either way, it is what it is. We'll get through it and move on to the next major inconvenience.

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