Tuesday, July 3, 2007

fish on

I went fishing last weekend (twice, even) and actually managed to catch some fish for the first time in years. I won't say that I was impressed with my angling skills or anything (quite on the contrary), but I managed to hook about 10 rainbow trout and to land about 7 of those (2 of which escaped my grasp and escaped back into the lake). For most anglers, I think my experience would have been an embarassment. For me, it was an unprecedented success (with moments of embarassment).

The best moment for me was wrangling a trout out from under a submerged log and back to shore as I was standing on two logs. The worst moment was standing with a bleeding fish in my hand, unable to remove a swallowed hook, about to lose my shit because I was so frustrated.

Observation: fishing is infinitely more enjoyable when the kids stay home.

I may go fishing again soon, after years of avoiding it (due to lack of any satisfaction or success).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome, congrats on the fishing success. I usually manage to get 3 a year. I didnt even get my license this year though.

Sounds like a good time other than the nasty hook issue!