Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend recap part 4 and counting: The Good

This was a 3-day weekend for me, and a lot of really fun stuff happened along with all the (self-inflicted) things I've been bitching and moaning about. Friday, I took Carolyn out to The Edgefield to play golf (this might become a regular's fun) for her birthday. I improved on my score from last time, and only had one embarassingly terrible 9-stroke fiasco this time. They had a Scotch Ale on nitro that was pretty good. Drinking beer before noon made for a sleepy afternoon, but I had to get some prep done for having people over Saturday. I believe I did nap, though. Carolyn and I finished Lego Star Wars. It was a good day.

On Saturday, we got a load of Hawaiian Slack Key tunes from my father-in-law, and later in the day, he tuned my guitar to Wahine tuning and showed me a 'turn.' I thought it would be fun to leave my guitar in that tuning for a few days to see what else I could figure out, since most of the advice he had for me amounted to, 'just play what you hear when you listen to slack key.' Fair enough, I figured I'd give it a shot. It's actually a really fun way to play, and my guitar is still slacked. I might retune slightly to be in Taro Patch tuning (more common). Now I just need to listen to some more slack key so I can figure some things out. I worked out a measure or two based on something Carolyn was humming. I like it a lot. This is the most enjoyment I've gotten out of this guitar since I bought it. I can feel this forming into one of my unhealthy obsessions.

Sunday was kind of a suckfest, what with nothing really going according to plan, but I did get an awesome bottle-opener belt buckle for Father's Day. I still need to figure out how to use it without it looking like I'm pissing in the beer bottle, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Future talking point at parties, I guess. I dig the longhorn cow skull motif.

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