Friday, June 8, 2007

soccer results

Score: 7-4, loss for us. Started the game with no subs for men. Played 18 mintes the first half, more regular shifts the second after we picked up a sub. The team manager pointed out that women could sub for men. This blew me away, since I've never been on a team with more women players than men. You wouldn't think it would make that much of a difference, but two games in a row, it definitely has. Last week, I went in after we found ourselves at a 5 point disadvantage (entitling us to an additional player on the field), and was called back so a woman could go on. Fine by me, it just never occurred to me is all. Bitchy looks resulted. My bad, I guess.

This week, the whole thing about women subbing for men came up. I admitted that it had just never occurred to me, etc, and bitchy looks resulted. Sheesh.

I'm pretty sick of the whole passive-aggressive soccer management thing. I just want to show up and play. I don't care if everyone on the team likes me or wants to be my buddy, I'm just there to play. If somebody wants something from me, I wish they'd just ask. Dan, they could say, you're not subbing enough. You're yelling too much, STFU already. You're old and slow. Get some wind or sub out. Whatever the bitchy little problem might be. Perhaps I'm just obnoxious while playing soccer, but I try to have a good attitude, talk it up, help out, be polite and show good sportsmanship. I'm the oldest guy on the team (by about 10 years to look at the rest of them), so maybe I'm just not cool enough for school. The thing is, without somebody having the cobbles to actually say what they want from me, I don't know, and my only choice is to just do my thing.

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