Thursday, June 21, 2007


So far, so good. There's a nice violent ferment going on in the wort now. I'm not so sure that my theory about blowing out all the nastiness will hold, but at least this beer now has a fighting chance of being OK to drink. There's definitely material being ejected, hopefully there will be enough alcohol produced quickly enough to kill off anything unpleasant.

Man, this sounds like a lot of ifs. Sure, it will ferment, but will it be drinkable beer, or sour swill? Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of...Beer Hospital.


PAgent said...

One of my favorite quotes:

"Homebrewing -- the hobby for anal-retentive alcoholics"

arbitrary said...

If I were really anal-retentive, this batch of beer would already be moistening my compost pile. For that matter, it wouldn't have gotten contaminated in the first place. It's entirely possible that I'm not anal-retentive enough.

Not that I'm defensive about it or anything.