Thursday, May 31, 2007

How Not To...

How not to cool down when it's 90 degrees, outside and in:

install new blinds. Yesterday, after coming home and finding that my house was sweltering inside due to unseasonably warm weather, I resolved to nip the problem in the bud and replace the blinds on my West-facing windows (the major source of summertime heat in my house). I picked up some bamboo roman blinds at the unpleasant big-box home improvement store and set to work. Installation was not difficult, just some drilling and driving screws, but holding a drill motor over your head when it's hot and stuffy (windows had to be closed to install the blinds) for an hour does nothing for the situation. Hopefully my efforts last night will pay off with cooler conditions this evening (once I finally get home to experience it).

I'd go cross this project off my list, but it wasn't even on there. Guess I missed one.

1 comment:

beaglebot said...

If you have ceiling fans: Stupid thing I forgot to do until today. All of my fans have a switch for summer/winter. It should be going counter-clockwise for summer